Saturday, January 21, 2012

Red Bean Pastry Day 1.21.2012

A day of red bean pastries

Fish-shaped pastries filled with red bean on the inside. When you bite into it, it's soft and gooey but not overly gooey. It's very soft and yummy. I love watching it being made. There's that tantalizing aroma of fresh sweet bread. I wonder if there's a secret in the batter mix. If I had my own fish-bean pastry machine at home, I think I'd never stop eating them.

Found at your local korean supermarkets :D


1 comment:

  1. I see you finally got your red bean fishes! Gosh, you're a horrible blogger, you must let your readers know that they must visit Ha Ah Reum/H-mart to get them!

    Anyhow, you've been a better blogger than me, I post about twice a year.
